Thursday 9 August 2012

Catching Up

Ahhh!  It's been a crazy few weeks including a trip back to the US to visit family and friends.  Here's a quick catch-up.


Week 8 
A less than stellar absorb week.  I had been feeling run-down so was excited to get the extra rest.  But, I ended up with a few late nights, and so exhausted that I skipped one of the long runs (a virtual sin in my books!).

Week 9
Time in the US but didn't miss a beat.  A few training highlights: 1) wonderful scenery, farmland for miles and long periods without seeing anyone or anything other than nature and 2) smashed Tue's long run with 1hr MP ending the run in a different world having pushed so hard.

Week 10
Back in Kobe and kept on schedule but suffering from something.  The intervals were ok and then both long-runs were awful.  Legs were heavier than they've ever felt, and by a large margin.  3hrs Mon and 2.45 on Tue, both above 6min/ km pace (over 9min/ mi), well off my usual long-run pace.  I think it's a mix of travel and increasing distance, let's hope it clears up in week 11.

H&N - at wk 10, weight 62.7kg/ 138lb and 10.2% bf.  Weight up a bit and bf slightly down, so overall still happy.  The week at home busted through the clean diet (about 10 drinks and a couple sweets), though I expected it (have to stay flexible to stay sane) and don't think it'll derail body comp goals.


Fantastic races for both men and women.  The women were first and it came down to an amazing photo finish.  Then, Team GB's Brownlee brothers delivered as expected with Alistair taking gold and Johnathon bronze.  The men's title was decided on the run where Alistair split a 29.07min 10k!  While olympic distance triathlons typically fall short of the full 10k (allowing jaw-dropping splits), the race director insists this was a full 10k.  Wow!

Read more by clicking the pics above.

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