Sunday 28 September 2014

Success Through PMA: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Will you dare to explore the powers of your mind?

- "You are a mind with a body."  The mind controls the body, not the other way around.
- The mind is made of two parts: the conscious and the subconscious.  The subconscious is very powerful but not well understood.  One way to tap into that power is through conscious autosuggestion a.k.a. self-suggestion.  (Funnily enough, Natsuko is reading a book about a similar concept.)  Anyway, to do this, write down your goal and say it to yourself out loud everyday.  The idea is that whenever you are presented with an opportunity to move closer to that goal, you subconscious mind will persuade you to respond even if you don't consciously acknowledge it.  I do something similar, though it's not a goal, it's about positive reinforcement for my job search.
     - As I wake up, "It's a beautiful day, and it's great to be alive.  I'm ready for the best job for me."
     - As I go to sleep, "I'm grateful for today.  Today is in the past.  I'll sleep and prepare for tomorrow."

- "Day by day in every way I am getting better and better."
- "You can do it if you believe you can."

Friday 26 September 2014

Success Through PMA: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Clear the cobwebs from your thinking

- In order to reach your goals, you need to work with others.  For effective communication, we need to free our mind from negative feelings, emotions, prejudices, beliefs and habits.  I think the quote below explains this quite well.
- Start with a "meeting of the minds."  I.e. When you have a misunderstanding with someone, take a step back and make sure you're on the same page.
- Make sure to separate facts from fiction.

- "When I am faced with a problem that involves a misunderstanding with another person, I must first start with myself"

Thursday 25 September 2014

Our Wedding!

We've been featured by Pacific Weddings!  Click HERE and be taken away to Maui to relive our wonderful wedding :)

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Success Through PMA: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: You can change your world

- The book mentions 17 success principles, which I think is a bit much, so I've boiled'em down to 5 and changed the wording:
     1. Have a clear goal and plan
     2. PMA
     3. Self-discipline
     4. Teamwork
     5. Learn from defeat
In my own words: In order to accomplish anything, it starts with a CLEAR GOAL and a PLAN.  You'll need PMA, SELF-DISCIPLINE and help (TEAMWORK) to be successful.  It's not often that dreams are reached on the first try, so LEARN FROM DEFEAT, adjust, and try again.
- Choose an image, slogan or symbol of what you want your world to be and make it prevalent in your daily life (i.e. put the image in a place where you'll see it daily, write the slogan on a piece of paper and keep it in your wallet, etc).

- "If you are right, your world will be right."  (If you're unhappy with your world and want to change it, the best place to start is with yourself.)
- "Remember, your world will change whether or not you choose to change it.  But you have the power to choose its direction."
- "What the mind of man can conceive and believe - the mind of man can achieve with PMA."
- "If life hands us a problem, it also hands use the abilities with which to handle that problem."

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Project Home: Update 5

Okay, it's been a while.  I know.  I was hoping to wait for a job offer, and while there's been a bunch of great interviews and a few down to the wire decisions, no offers yet.  But, I've got one good opportunity going, and a lot of people with their eyes and ears to the ground, so it's only a matter of time (hopefully not much more time!).

downtown Manhattan from Jersey City

Meanwhile, I've been the recipient of immeasurable amounts of support and goodwill from family and friends.  A big shout out to Natsuko and my fam for keeping it positive and to friends for letting me crash and helping me network.

Other than job hunting, I've been working out 6 days a week and re-acquainting myself with the area.

NYC High Line - An old, above-ground railway line on the west-side of Manhattan that used to transport goods to businesses but was made obsolete by truck deliveries.  The line fell apart and has since been redone into a great public, outdoor space.

NFL - Checked out my first NFL game.  Got to see Raiders vs. Jets, and unfortunately, the Raiders lost.  But, it was a great atmosphere and brilliant weather!

Finally, random funny video.  Click HERE and enjoy!