Saturday 29 September 2012

Random Update

Working on Tango race post part 2, but in the meantime, here's a few treats.

First, absolutely great article on mental strength from Chris McCormack for Triathlon Competitor. 

photo by Nils Nilssen
It’s an age-old saying, but without question, in the sport of triathlon nothing can be as close to the truth as “It’s all in your head.” Sure, as athletes we can get ourselves into amazing physical shape, but at the end of the day, the single limiting factor for racing well always comes down to how well an individual can deal with those tough times in a race—when things just hurt. It is what happens in those moments when your body starts to rebel, your mind wanders and things start to get really uncomfortable that ultimately determines just how fast or how well your race goes.

Advice from Macca never gets old, so check out the latest edition of Ali'i Drive dealing with mental strength.

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