Monday 4 November 2013

Weeks 13-18: Kobe Marathon 2013

The night is darkest before the dawn.

October was a roller coaster but it's ended on an up-swing!

Weeks 13-16
It's hard to even type this, but I got sick.  Again!  To top it off, once that was gone, some niggles became more than just niggles.

This was my third illness this year, which is hard to stomach given I haven't been sick for over 10 years!  It's cliche, but maybe turning 30 really does change things!

I'm taking this as a clear sign that I'm not 'invincible'.  It's time to start paying closer attention to my body and taking days off when needed.  Harder said than done, but in weeks 13 and 15, I followed through and felt great for it after.  Very positive reinforcement!

Weeks 17-18
Feeling stronger and stronger.  Week 17 was my peak training and it went off without a hitch.

On the Tue long I managed to cover about 34km of the Kobe Marathon course which was excellent.  It was the second time I ran on the course and all went smoothly.  More opinion on the course to come in another post.

Week 18 began tapering, and I could feel the extra rest in my legs.  The sprints felt really strong which was a huge boost.

I've also been adding visualization, so focus is growing.  Getting excited!

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