Friday 11 July 2014

Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude

Recently, for whatever reason, I've started reading like crazy.  The more I read, the more I realize there's ever more to read.  Crazy, huh.

With all of this uncertainty around our future (when we'll be back together, where we'll live, what job I'll be doing, etc.) and with a desire to maintain and improve my optimistic outlook, I've turned to self-help/ motivational books.  Like Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude, the book I'm reading now, says, "motivation is like a fire: unless you continue to add fuel, it will go out."

pic from

This is an older book, copyright 1960, written by Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone.  I'm new to this kind of reading, but apparently Hill has written a number of famous books while Stone built his own insurance company out of $100.  As I read through it, I'll pass on some helpful and inspiring notes and quotes.  So far, I've found this applicable to every part of my life from job hunting to athletics to simple conversation with folks.  Please enjoy!

"The greatest secret to success is: there is no secret."
"It's impossible for you to conceive how far up is, except for the limitations of your own mind."

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